Monday, March 17, 2014


Did Cartoons today in class.
The top one is just a practice one of people.

This one is has a alien, baby, mom and dad. a boy and a girl, an artist, some eyes and a guy running.

These are some of my own cartoon heads.

Winged Spider

The Normal Spider just got a whole lot scarier. 

Saturday, March 1, 2014

snow fox in the snow

snow fox that is in the snow

Land scape art

In art class we do little drawings. This is two landscape drawings. 
More little drawings to come. :)

My name tag for art class

I'm in art class at my school and this was my name tag.

The Wispering Death

The whispering death from how to train your dragon.

Two Ancient Drawings

These drawings I entered into a coloring contest.


My dragon drawings.

Name tag from the 6th grade

where the red fern grows

This are I did back in 6th grade after we read "Where The Red Fern Grows"

trees of a sunset

This art was done with tape on the paper in a shape of a tree, then multicolor paint over it.

black and white




Angry red Bird

hot dog!!

Doe a dear a female dear

the Phesent

The dog

What does the fox say

Big Blue Eyes, Point noes,
chasing mice and digging holes.

tiny paws up the hill.
suddenly your standing still.

Wolf's eye

A playful cub

the family of wolfs

the hunt


the deep

Deep sea creatures...


The happy lizard saids to have a happy day!

The Otter

I drew this otter for my brother Parker

The snake and hummingbird.

This drawing is of a snake that is slowly stocking a humming bird drinking from a flower.